It doesn’t require a drastic change in day-to-day business processes, nor a large IT investment. Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other advanced technologies ensure that all PDFs files are converted to the appropriate electronic format with 100% accuracy.
Who Is It For?
PDF-2-FLOW is for small and mid-size trading partners that like to send PDFs. With only a slight change to their usual process, PDF-2-FLOW allows these partners to send PDF files in a secure way.
A Digitally Born PDF – What is that?
There are various types of PDFs, but not all of them are suitable for translating a PDF document into a compliant electronic invoice. You may have heard of 'digitally born PDFs', but what exactly does that mean? In this video, we will explain what a digitally born PDF is, how it differs from other types of PDFs, and why it's important to use one for electronic invoicing.
And the Benefits?
- Easy to use
- PDFs are instantly processed in your existing (ERP) system
- PDFs are automatically converted with 100% accuracy
- No disruption to your (digital) supply chain, no technical change needed
- Proactive automated feedback when errors occur
- Lowest total cost of ownership available in the market today
- Reduced processing costs
- No lengthy consultation
Discover the Entire FLOW Suite
One platform, three modules. Suitable for everyone, everywhere. Mix and match to find your balance.
One platform, three unique document exchange modules. See how they all come together to help you achieve 100% supply chain digitalization.
For small and mid-size trading partners in need of a simple, easy-to-adopt solution.