January 8th, 2019 - Breukelen, the Netherlands at 6 PM CET

TIE Kinetix, leading provider of Partner Automation solutions, announced today that it has added artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities to its FLOW Partner Automation platform.

More and more companies and solutions are starting to use algorithms in artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate manual tasks, increase productivity, and add more effectiveness in their different business processes. Recently, TIE Kinetix has added machine learning algorithms to its FLOW Partner Automation to realize more efficient processes, including artificial algorithms for translation mapping creation, configuration, and maintenance.

Automating the complete process of integrating data and generating re-usable translation algorithms between different systems is a complex process. Normally, a trained human consultant requires a set of data models, supervised learning algorithms and detailed statistics to define the right translation between data sets. Now, with artificial intelligence, trained data models are used to classify data structures, identify patterns and apply rules to compose the translation between data sets.

As a result, our FLOW platform can automate up to 90% of the transformation activities through artificial intelligence. This next step in partner automation processes increases the accuracy, velocity and time to market for our customers and their partners. More customers and partners will be able to benefit from these added capabilities and further improve their partner processes. 

“We are very proud and excited to share this latest technological development of our FLOW Automation platform. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly growing technologies that enable us to reduce the time to market of our customers and their business partners.” stated Jan Sundelin, CEO of TIE Kinetix. “Our customers are constantly looking for new opportunities to further optimize their business processes and get that advantage over their competitors. That’s why we continue to invest in our platform and enable our customers to continue to stay that step ahead of their competition.”

About TIE Kinetix
TIE Kinetix transforms the digital supply chain by providing Total Integrated E-Commerce solutions. These solutions maximize revenue opportunities by minimizing the energy required to market, sell, fulfill, and optimize online.

Customers and partners of TIE Kinetix constantly benefit from innovative, field-tested, state-of-the-art technologies, backed by 32 years of experience and prestigious awards. TIE Kinetix makes technology to perform, such that customers and partners can focus on their core business. TIE Kinetix is a public company and has offices in the United States, the Netherlands, France, Germany, United Kingdom, and Australia.

For questions about this press release, please contact Patrick van Boom, Chief Marketing Officer of TIE Kinetix via Marketing@TIEKinetix.com

TIE Kinetix N.V.
Patrick van Boom
De Corridor 5d
3621 ZA Breukelen
T: +31-88-369-8000
E: info@TIEKinetix.com
W: www.TIEKinetix.com