Information about the Service Provider / Angaben zum Diensteanbieter:

  • Name / Name: TIE Kinetix DACH GmbH
  • Legal Form / Rechtsform: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
  • Address / Anschrift: St.-Georg-Straße 11, 82284  Grafrath, Deutschland
  • Represented by / Vertretungsberechtigt: Kim Nelson, Geschäftsführer | Christian Seidl, Geschäftsführer
  • Commercial Register / Handelsregister: 205976

Responsible for journalistically edited Services / Inhaltlich verantwortlich für journalistisch-redaktionell gestaltete Angebote:

  • Name / Name: Christian Seidl
  • Address / Anschrift: St.-Georg-Straße 11, 82284  Grafrath, Deutschland

Last modified: 5-1-2024


All copyrights and other rights of intellectual property on the content of this web site, including text, layout, design, images, logos and sounds, belong to TIE Kinetix. It is allowed to browse this site and reproducing fragments of it by printing, copying to your computer, as well as making it available to third parties, but only if it concerns noncommercial, informative and personal matters and under the condition that the above copyright notice is included in all reproductions.

No reproduction or fragment of the site may be sold or spread for commercial purposes or be altered or be copied into any other publication or website, either as a print, or in electronic form, without the prior written consent of TIE Kinetix.

Warranties and Liability

While TIE Kinetix attempts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of any materials presented within the TIE Kinetix website, the user is warned that this web site could include typographical errors and/or technical inaccuracies.

It cannot be guaranteed that the content of this website is appropriate to the purpose of consulting and/or using this information. The service and the content from or through this website are provided “as-is” and "as available", and TIE Kinetix disclaims all liability and all warranties, expressed and implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.

TIE Kinetix will not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind (including, but not limited to, data loss, corruption or any damages caused by viruses contained within the electronic files or at the site), which follows from or is related is to the possession or use of the information displayed within this website.